My old cat loves milk.
When my husband eats his cereal, or I snack on my tub of ice cream, she will be all over us — her little paws reaching for our bowls — trying to just grab a taste. Many times I’ve put my bowl where I thought was just out of reach (on top of a bookshelf, on top of the fridge), only to return to find my kitty both guiltily and greedily gobbling up as much of the treasured delicacy as she can.
Unfortunately, what follows when kitty gets too much of a good thing is a very stinky litter box, and an upset stomach. My cat is lactose intolerant.
Most people are surprised to learn that MOST cats are lactose intolerant, especially as they age, and that many dogs are as well.
In fact, most pet health care professionals will recommend against feeding your cat milk, as it offers them no health advantages and can cause stomach upset, bloating, and diarrhea among other symptoms.
If your dog is lactose intolerant, or allergic to the protein present in milk, he or she can exhibit such symptoms as well.
But then we got this into the store:
Goat milk you say? What is this?
Turns out this is one of my most favorite products to come to our store.
Most of us have tried it on our pets, and our pets unanimously LOVE IT. LOVE IT LIKE CANDY. And what’s better than watching your pet contentedly savor healthy treat? The sound of lapping is intoxicating.
But how can my cat drink this? How is this safe for potentially lactose intolerant dogs?
Because it’s GOAT milk. Goat milk is a great alternative for lactose intolerant pets and people. Goat milk is more easily digested and absorbed than cow milk, therefore it leaves less of a residue in the intestinal tract of a mammal, thus causing less potential irritation. The fat is also easier to digest in goat milk (smaller “globules”), making it gentler on the stomach.
But why feed Honest Kitchen’s Pro Bloom?
First and foremost it’s a fantastic way to incorporate probiotics into your pet’s diet. We’ve talked about probiotics before. Remember?
There’s bacteria in your pet. And that’s a good thing. Inside the pet’s large and small intestine there are good bacteria and bad bacteria…Good bacteria keeps your pet healthy, absorbing the proper amount of nutrients, able to regulate digestion and generally feeling good.
Prebiotics and probiotics make sure that there is more good bacteria than bad bacteria.
Essentially, and I’m stating this in layman’s terms, prebiotics stimulate the growth of good bacteria and probiotics are good bacteria.
…When your pet has a balanced amount of good bacteria in their intestinal tract you’ll find that your pet has more energy and healthy bowel movements. This is due to the fact that a healthy large intestine can readily absorb “nutrients, antioxidants, and iron” and your pet’s body is not struggling with intestinal inflammation or malabsorption – resulting in diarrhea.
And as Honest Kitchen states about Pro Bloom, and in turn the probiotics in Pro Bloom:
[It’s ideal for] general immune support at the gut level.
Essentially, incorporating probiotics in the form of Pro Bloom can be a tasty way to improve your pet’s nutrition absorption as well as make sure their immune system is strong and active.
Not to mention, Pro Bloom is a great way to incorporate extra, highly digestible and readily absorbable nutrients into a sick or elderly pet’s diet.
I really don’t mean to sound like an advertisement for Pro Bloom, I swear they didn’t pay me, but this product has been such a treat to both my cat’s health and palate, that I can’t help but sing it’s praises.
After ingesting Pro Bloom two to three times a week for about three weeks, my old kitty’s digestion has greatly improved. She was prone to bouts of constipation here and there (due to some medications she has to take), and within a few days, the Pro Bloom seemed to uh, “keep things moving”. She’s a very happy kitty now, and WAILS for her Pro Bloom as soon as she sees me get the packet out.
So how does one prepare Pro Bloom for your pet? It’s so easy.
Step 1: Open packet of dehydrated goat milk. It’s a fine powder.
Step 2: Put powder into heat safe container (preferably glass or metal).
Step 3: Pour 1 cup warm (not hot or boiling) water into powder and stir until smooth.
Step 4: Test to make sure it’s a safe temperature for your pet.
Step 5: Serve. (The Honest Kitchen recommends 1/4 cup of milk for every 10 pounds of pet. I find my Pro Bloom, once rehydrated keeps in the fridge for about 2 or 3 days if covered properly.)
If the above was too complicated, The Honest Kitchen makes it even simpler:
If all this sounds good to you, but you aren’t sure if your picky pet will like goat milk, we offer Pro Bloom single packets for $2 a piece. Drop by, pick one up, try it out.
So there you have it. From my kitchen to yours, from my pet’s stomach to your pets’, in our opinion Pro Bloom is a winner.
Now I can have my ice cream, kitty can have her goat milk, and we can all snack in peace.
Enjoy your treats!
~Your Loyal Calvin & Susie Blogger
Always check with your vet before making any changes to your pet’s diet. The Calvin & Susie Blogger always researches to the best of her ability, but she is not a vet. This blog is not in any way meant to replace veterinary advice or care. When in doubt always ask a vet.